Will Dieting Make Me Gain Weight?

Friday, July 25, 2014

What many people find hard to believe is that dieting can make you fat.  How, you might ask. By increasing your fat stores, that’s how.

You see, when you diet drastically or reduce caloric intake, your body’s natural instincts will be to decrease its metabolic rate. Consequently, you burn fat at a  slower pace. Your body will store additional fat cells as a preventative measure in case of starvation.

The body cannot determine the duration of the fast, even though it is only a temporary condition controlled by you.  You know it is temporary, but your body does not know it. Your brain must assume that there is a crisis (food shortage) and act according to its instinctive programming.

During a period of food deprivation, the body will naturally preserve its fat reserves  and decrease the metabolic rate until it is safe to resume normal operations. Your body is geared for survival, and it’s not going to give up that easily.

So, what’s a dieter to do? Avoid crash diets. Eat healtfully. Increase your physical activity and decrease your total caloric intake. But do it gradually, not suddenly.

Remember to consult your personal physician before starting or changing any diet or exercise regimen.

2 Responses to Will Dieting Make Me Gain Weight?

  1. Pingback: jesse
  2. Pingback: Stephen

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