Emotional Freedom Techniques and Depression

Monday, December 2, 2013

Depression  affects approximate 15 million American adults and teens.  This equates to roughly 7 of every 100 people who will suffer from it at some point in their lives after the age of 18.  The number of women sufferers will soon be double the number of men. By the year 2020, depression will be the 2nd most common chronic health problem in the world.  (1)

These are sad  statistics.  No pun intended. However, the statistics about those who suffer from depression can be even more shocking.

Did you know that depression will weaken the immune system and makes the sufferer more susceptible to other physical disorders? Only 20% of those who develop depression will receive adequate treatment and 97% of those who report depression believe that their work, home life and relationships suffer.  In fact, those who suffer from depression will increase their chances of dying within 6 months after suffering a heart attack. (2)

The heartening news is that those who have used EFT to help treat their depression have reported great success with improvements in their relationships, work, and home life. Because EFT does NOT interfere with any medications or have side effects that could interfere with other underlying medical conditions, it is considered a safe method of treatment. (3)  However, you should speak with your physician about the use of EFT and the potential to decrease or eliminate any medication.

Some medications prescribed for depression require that the patient slowly stop taking it and not go ‘cold turkey’ off of the medicine in order to prevent other side effects.  Individuals who find great relief from EFT practices may be tempted to completely remove any of their medications from their daily regimen, but should never do this unless they first speak with their prescribing physician.

The use of EFT differs from long-term psychotherapy in that you are not reliving the situations over and over again but rather are concentrating on the emotions you are feeling.  Although it is good to identify where the feelings are originating it isn’t totally necessary in order to eradicate the negative emotions and depressive feelings that go along with them.

EFT goes to the heart of the problem – the energy system in the body that perpetuates the feelings of depression and breaks the patterns between the heart, head and energy or subconscious.  And, while individuals will often get dramatic and permanent improvements they must also meet several criteria.  In other words, the use of EFT can be incomplete or ineffective if several factors aren’t met.

For instance, if the individual is unaware of their emotions that need to be focused on it is impossible for EFT to work effectively.  People who dissociate from the problem or quit too soon won’t get effective results.  Some also get some secondary benefits from remaining depressed. In other words, some people find they get enough attention from others that change would upset their status quo or find it is so ingrained that any change is too scary.  And in some cases, the depression can be triggered by an environmental substance, such as drugs or other medications, and won’t resolve until the offending substance is removed.

The use of EFT in the treatment of depression is a unique and effective way of stopping the vicious cycle of depression, anxiety, poor performance, and a myriad of other physical symptoms that individuals who suffer from depression will experience.  The best part about EFT is that it can be learned and practiced right in your own home!

(1) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: An Estimated 1 in 10 U.S. Adults Report Depression
(2) World Health Organization: Depression
(3) EFT Universe: EFT Research; Depression




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