How Can I Avoid Knee Injuries?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Avoiding knee injuries

Knee injuries are a common occurrence in exercise and sports. Some athletes prone to such injuries, will often wrap their knees with an ACE bandage, knee wraps or similiar material prior to exercise. The jury is still out as to the effectiveness of this practice. But there is a lot you can do to help prevent knee injuries.

These tips from the American Physical Therapy Association can help:

* Most knee injuries occur when you are fatigued. Know your limits and don’t push beyond them.

* Get an exam before returning to sports activity if you have a previous injury.

* Wear well-fitting shoes that are appropriate to your sport and the surface, and replace worn shoes often.

* Overly developed hamstrings and weak quadriceps, or vice versa, can stress knees. Maintain good muscle balance in the legs.

* Avoid twisting the knee.

* When using a leg press machine or lifting weight in a standing position avoid locking the knee. Get expert instruction on proper body alignment and the appropriate weight to lift.

* Warm up and stretch muscles around the knee before beginning activity:

-Knee lifts: One at a time, raise the knee to the chest, as if marching in place. Lift each knee 10 times.

Backward lunges: Step backward with one leg into a shallow lunge. Press the heel of the rear foot to the floor. The knee of the forward leg should be aligned over the ankle. Return to a standing position. Repeat 10 times with each leg.

Leg extensions: Sitting in a chair with both feet flat on the floor. Return to down position. Repeat ten times with each leg.


Editor’s Note: None of the exercises or stretches should cause pain or discomfort.

If you have symptoms of a knee injury, consult a physical therapist or other qualified health care practitioner for an evaluation and individualized treatment plan.

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