Seniors: Need Another Reason to Exercise?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
By who exercise vigorously in later years are much more sexually active than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Whether or not this is psychological or physical is, to the best of our knowledge, unclear at this time. Researchers do know that men produce more of the sex hormone testosterone when they exercise. Personally, I think it is a combination of the two.  If you look better, you feel better and if you look and feel better you’re going to enjoy the way you look and feel and so will everyone around you.


What’s more, despite years of sedentary living, it’s still possible to become physically fit at any age.  According to Dr. Fred W. Kasch, even if you haven’t exercised you can achieve fitness of those already fit and a younger than you. Dr. Kasch is former director of the Exercise Physiology Laboratory at San Diego State University. In a study of three groups of men between the ages of 44 and 55, he found that men who had rarely exercised before could achieve levels of fitness almost equal to those of their counterparts who had exercised regularly for ten years.

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