Are Anabolic Steroids Dangerous to High School Students?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The greatest abuse of anabolic steroids is not in the ranks of competitive athletes, but in youths who take anabolic steroids for cosmetic reasons. In other words, they take the drugs to develop a more muscular physique.

One important study suggests, “250,000 to 500,000 high school male seniors under the age of 18 have used or are currently using anabolic steroids.

“Unlike the competitive athlete who finds it convenient to terminate the use of anabolic steroids when competition ends, the young male body builders are likely to continue to take steroids indefinitely to maintain the cosmetic effects,” says Herbert A. Haupt, MD.  He’s an orthopedist who served as a drug tester for the U.S. Olympic trials.

“The abuse of steroids by young males is becoming as prevalent as eating disorders in young females,” said Dr. Haupt, “We now know more about the addictive nature of these drugs and their adverse psychological effects.  Parents should educate themselves about the signs of anabolic steroids abuse so that they can intervene with teens.”

According to Dr. Haupt, parents should be concerned if their child develops a preoccupation in working out with weights and becoming bigger “overnight,” develops acne and/or experiences a change in mood or behavior.

Anabolic steroids abusers usually suffer some degree of personality change, ranging from mood swings to a severe psychosis requiring hospitalization.  “A Jekyll and Hyde personality is common where even the slightest provocation can cause an exaggerated, violent and often uncontrolled response,” he added.

Anabolic steroid users often suffer in their personal relationships with others, resulting in separations from family and friends and even divorce.  The psychological effects are reversible when steroids use is discontinued, but the social scars may be permanent.

In discussing the addictive nature of anabolic steroids, Dr. Haupt said that habituation is mainly due to a psychological dependence on the drug’s effects.  “Non-competitive youths who take anabolic steroids for cosmetic purposes often develop altered body images,” said Dr. Haupt.

“These athletes may become obsessed with their new body image and, since the effects are maintained only as long as the steroids are continued, become chronic steroid abusers.”

Withdrawal from anabolic steroids can cause severe depression.  “Athletes who take anabolic steroids initially do so out of an insecurity in their athletic performance or their appearance,” said Dr. Haupt.  “When the steroids are discontinued, the anabolic steroids abusers suffer loss of muscle size and strength, loss of peer group attention, and loss of exercise interest and intensity.”  As a result of these changes, the athlete may suffer a disabling depression that varies depending on the preexisting emotional status.


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