Learn How to Do EFT at Home

Friday, January 31, 2014

Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is considered safe, needs no equipment, and is easy to learn.  There are a few different things  you do need to learn when developing your technique. That aside, the process is truly simple, easy, and very forgiving.

Individuals find that the more they use EFT, the better their skills at finding the exact tapping spots on their body and the better the results.  Like anything else in life, you get better each time you do it.

Using emotional freedom techniques requires a specific sequence of events.  Most practitioners encourage their participants to make a statement about what is concerning you at the moment, what you would like to tap on.  For instance, if you would like to tap on a specific anxiety you might make a statement such as, “I am highly anxious at the grocery store.”  Next, it’s time to come up with a reminder phrase, a short phrase that is used to refer to your memory order to the problem. That phrase is used during the process to stay focused on the memory and create the emotion or feeling that goes along with it. (1)

In the case of the anxiety related to the grocery store, your reminder phrase may be, “I’m afraid of the grocery store.”  When you think about your anxiety at the grocery store, assess the amount of anxiety, or intensity level that you feel.  Rate this on a scale of zero to 10 with 10 being the most painful memory or intensity that you might feel and zero being nothing.  The actual accuracy of the number is not important as it is only used to generally track your progress.

In the next step, set out an affirmation that is phrased in the positive. It will be said at least three times while tapping on the karate chop point.  The karate chop point is located on the pinky side of your hand and is exactly where you would hit if you did a karate chop.  You can actually tap on this point in any way you’d like.  You’re affirmation may be “even though I am afraid of the grocery store, I deeply and profoundly accept myself.”

Now begins the meat of the tapping.  Saying the reminder phrase, “I am afraid of the grocery store”, you perform at least two passes through all ten points.  You say the reminder phrase while quickly tapping on each point at least three taps per point.  Say the phrase at least once per point.

Now it’s time to reassess your intensity level.  If the tapping is working, the pain level should come down between one and three points per session.  The objective is to bring the pain level or intensity level down to one or zero.

The tapping points are based mostly on the head and upper torso.  The first place is the top of the head which you can tap with most of your fingers in order to be able to hit the exact spot.  The second place is on the highbrow directly over the inner point of the eye where tears are released.  The next point is directly on the outer area of the eye, directly underneath the eye, directly underneath the nose, on the chin, on either side of the collarbone where a man’s tie might rest and underneath the arm.
Each of these areas (except for the top of the head), should be tapped with the first finger and the second finger very lightly in order not to cause pain or discomfort but strong enough in order to be felt.

Run through a tapping session on your reminder phrase and then take stock of the intensity level of your pain.  If the intensity level is above one or two, then continue to run through a process until the pain level reduces.  The goal is to get the intensity level between 2 and 0 but, depending upon the original intensity level and how deeply these negative emotions are ingrained, it can take two or three sessions before the level goes to zero.

Anyone can learn how to do emotional freedom technique, even children.  It is easy to teach your family and friends. It is also an effective tool to calm or soothe yourself when you find yourself in positions that creates a high level of anxiety.  

Since emotional freedom techniques are noninvasive and do not require any additional tools or equipment, they can be used when you are out in public or with your friends.  If you cannot find a private place, such as the bathroom, it can be easily modified by tapping on the karate chop area, collarbone points or just over the eyes.

To the best of our knowledge, no one has ever been harmed by doing emotional freedom technique and many people have been helped over their lifetime.  It offers a new level of health and happiness without the use of drugs, needles, medical side effects or a significant financial outlay.  Take a few minutes today and give it a try, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results!

(1) Gary Think: The Correct Way to Perform EFT


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