Tips to Lose Weight

Monday, February 25, 2013

4.1.1Obesity is at an all time high in part due to the standard Western diet being so popular. High fats, sugars and processed food are the chief culprits.

Another factor is decreased physical activity.  Individuals work at more sedentary jobs, and are enjoying more hobbies and interests that don’t require movement, such as computer games and television.

As the obesity rate increases, more people are looking for plan that will give them weight loss quickly, easily, and painlessly.  But, because each individual is unique and genetic makeup varies from person to person, no one weight loss program can be effective or successful for all people.  While the concept is the same for all people (less caloric intake equals weight loss), their means to the end must be different.  Lifestyle habits, exercise habits and mental attitude will also impact the ability of the body to lose weight.

No matter what plan you choose there are several weight loss tips that will help you to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Remember that the goal is permanent weight loss and a trimmer, fitter you.  If you incorporate changes into your life slowly and easily you’ll find more success.  Make sure that the change is permanent before you move on to add another change to your lifestyle. Here’s a few tips that can help you lose weight:


1. Get get rid of the junk food in your home and your diet.  You know what they are; snacks loaded with fats, sugars and carbohydrates.  Potato chips, ice cream, cookies, processed foods, and crackers.  You may not be happy with this but it will work!  Replace these items with snacks that are more healthy choices.


2. Change your eating habits to include more fruits and vegetables.  Processed foods may seem more convenient but pulling a banana off of the shelf or apple out of the fridge is just as convenient.  And, fruits and vegetables have more of the essential vitamins and nutrients than the cooked versions.  Your body needs those things, plus the fiber, to function properly.


3. Eliminate carbonated beverages and alcohol from your diet.  The amount of soda consumed each year is increasing – along with the waistline of consumers.  What was once an 8-oz drink is now a 48-oz Big Gulp.  The sugars and carbohydrates in these drinks will add many pounds, and when they are removed from your diet you will see an easy weight loss!


4. Add water to your diet. This helps improve the condition of your skin. It helps eliminate wastes and toxins from your body. Drinking water also helps you to feel full longer.  Drink at least 8-10 8-oz glasses each day.  That might seem like a lot at first but it is the amount that your body needs to work optimally.


5. Eat breakfast!  People skip breakfast for many reasons – they say they are too busy, or they aren’t hungry or they think it will help with weight loss.  However, skipping breakfast will actually increase your hunger and your cravings throughout the entire day.  Then, when your resistance is low, you will snack on that donut at the office.  Remember– don’t skip breakfast!


6.Weight loss tips do not all center on what to eat and what not to eat. Include exercise in your daily routine to help burn calories and give you more energy every day.  Exercise can be a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood.  You don’t have to be a sweat-busting exercise fanatic to meet the criteria that your body needs to lose weight.


These weight loss tips can be used with most, if not all, weight loss plans and programs.  Weight loss comes from eating fewer calories than you burn each day.  No matter how you choose to accomplish that goal, the equation is the same.  Use these tips to get you started down the right road!


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